Welcome to Master Tung Kai Ying's workshop |
Time and place 22th and 23th of October 2016, on Saturday commencing at 15.00 and on Sunday commencing at 12.00. There are two teaching sessions in a row on both days. It will be open half an hour before start. The course will take place at Möllevångsskolan on Friisgatan 34 in Malmö (karta). Price The fee for the course is 1800 skr / 1400 dkr / 200 € / 230 $. The fee is to be paid via Swedish bank to Plusgiro 37 85 72-2 to Svenska Tai Chi Chuan Foreningen before 21th of October. All payment in advance. Payment with SWIFT/BIC is another option, then use IBAN: SE4595000099602603785722. You can also pay to Christina Rhodin or Klas Larsson in Masters Tungs Copenhagen class that is held 18th to 22th of October. Notification and Information Send e-mail to klas@taichi.nu |
Master Tung Kai Ying in Malmoe 1989 |
General details All practitioners of this form of Tai Chi are welcome. Talk to Klas Larsson if you have questions on this.
About Master Tung Master Tung Kai Ying is a third generation
Tai Chi master following both his father and grandfather before him. His
grandfather, Tung Ying Chieh was a student of the renowned Yang Chen Fu,
creator of the Yang-Tai Chi seen today over the whole world. Master Tung
embodies the closest possible link with the traditional source of Tai Chi,
his family having had the honour of preserving the original Yang style
of Tai Chi in an unchanged form.
Since 1984, he has been coming to Copenhagen three times per year, this year it's 18-21 October. Master Tung visited Malmoe the first time in 1989. This course is an excellent opportunity to gain an insight into his teaching.